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Samsung Securities

Human Resources

We support our employees to do their best.

Employee Benefit

  • Stable livelihood support
    Financial support for house purchasing and leasing Support for housing and commuting expenses Congratulatory/condolence leaves and bonuses Long service leaves and bonuses Health/pension/employment/
    disability insurance
  • Health benefits
    Medical check-up support (including spouses) Support for PET-CT Support for medical expenses (family members included) Fitness centers operated Psychological counseling provided
  • Benefits for children
    Child birth and 1st anniversary gifts provided Company-sponsored daycare service Gifts for occasions related to school admission and taking of national exams School uniform expenses support Tuition support from kindergarten to college Expenses support for cultural and art activities
  • Other benefits
    Selective welfare points Expenses support for domestic resort use Expenses support for trip to ‘Caribbean Bay’ Expenses support for operation and activities of in-house clubs Healing meditation programs Family bonding programs ‘Weekend farms’ offered to employee Families Free use of company auditorium for wedding