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Samsung Securities


Staying on the right path

Reporting Irregularities

Samsung Securities expects the timely reporting of irregularities for the sake of customer satisfaction and employee happiness.

To further improve business transparency and to establish an ethical corporate culture, Samsung Securities solicits reports of employee actions that have resulted in either personal gains at the expense of customers or business partners or financial losses for the Company.

Types of irregularities to report

  • 01

    Public funds/customer deposits embezzlements, Requesting funds be transferred to employee accounts

  • 02

    Acquiring an equity stake in an unlisted partner company

  • 03

    Soliciting or offering money or entertainment

  • 04

    Soliciting stocks in connection with IPO deals

  • 05

    Disclosing company secrets or customer information

  • 06

    Unfair treatment of partner companies

  • 07

    Sexual harassment and other indecent behaviors

  • 08

    Accounting irregularities

  • 09

    Dual employment by staff members

  • 10

    Other behaviors in violation of the code of ethics

How to report

Whistleblower identities are completely protected. Anonymous reporting possible. All reports will be processed ASAP.
  • TEL


  • FAX


  • Address

    Audit Team, Samsung Electronics Bldg.,
    11 Seocho-daero 74-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea (06620)

Internal whistleblowing system

All employees work toward building a better company.

A whistleblowing system is in place enabling employees to expose activity within the Company that is deemed illegal or illicit as an internal control to preempt financial irregularities

Types of activity to be reported

1. Embezzlement, malfeasance, fraud and other illegal activities
2. Insider trading, exposing classified information and other violations of law and regulation
3. Irrational work orders, unauthorized internal trading and other irregularities

Protection of whistleblowers

The internal whistleblowing system in place protects whistleblowers from not only the fear of being exposed but also from retaliations in any shape or form.